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sivar-utils 🇸🇻

TS/JS utils para el desarrollo de sistemas salvadoreños (Validacion de docs DUI, NIT, etc...)

Version Build Install Size Downloads PRs Welcome Commitizen friendly MIT License

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Getting Started


npm install --save sivar-utils


import { isDUI } from 'sivar-utils';

const str = 'test';
const fakeDUI = '00000000-0';
const validDUI = '02495046-3'; // DISCLAIMER: taken from Google

isDUI(str); // false
isDUI(fakeDUI); // false
isDUI(validDUI); // true
import { isNIT } from 'sivar-utils';

const str = 'test';
const fakeNIT = '0000-000000-000-0';
const validNIT = '0614-051286-129-4'; // DISCLAIMER: taken from Google
const alsoValidNIT = '06140512861294';

isNIT(str); // false
isNIT(fakeNIT); // false
isNIT(validNIT); // true
isNIT(alsoValidNIT); // true
import { isMobilePhoneNumber } from 'sivar-utils';

const str = 'test';
const fakeMobilePhone = '9999-9999';
const validMobilePhone = '7071-1244'; // DISCLAIMER: taken from Google

isMobilePhoneNumber(str); // false
isMobilePhoneNumber(fakeMobilePhone); // false
isMobilePhoneNumber(validMobilePhone); // true
import { isResidentialPhoneNumber } from 'sivar-utils';

const str = 'test';
const fakeResidentialPhone = '5555-5555';
const validResidentialPhone = '2244-4777'; // DISCLAIMER: taken from Google

isResidentialPhoneNumber(str); // false
isResidentialPhoneNumber(fakeResidentialPhone); // false
isResidentialPhoneNumber(validResidentialPhone); // true
import { isPhoneNumber } from 'sivar-utils';

const str = 'test';
const fakePhone = '1234-5678';
const validPhone = '2591-3000'; /* or '7725-4747' */ // DISCLAIMER: taken from Google

isPhoneNumber(str); // false
isPhoneNumber(fakePhone); // false
isPhoneNumber(validPhone); // true
import { isPassport } from 'sivar-utils';

const str = 'test';
const fakePassport = '$03766021';
const validPassport = 'A12345678';

isPassport(str); // false
isPassport(fakePassport); // false
isPassport(validPassport); // true
import { isCarPlate } from 'sivar-utils';

const str = 'test';
const fakePlate = 'XY525929';
const validNationalPlate = 'N10731'; // DISCLAIMER: taken from Google
const validParticularPlate = 'p525929'; // DISCLAIMER: taken from Google

isCarPlate(str); // false
isCarPlate(fakePlate); // false
isCarPlate(validNationalPlate); // true
isCarPlate(validParticularPlate); // true


How to contribute?

This is a commitizen friendly repository, so instead of creating commits using git commit, please use our custom CLI by running:

npm run cz

Formatting & Linting

Make sure you have installed the following plugins on your Code Editor

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Alejandro Paz

⚠️ 💻

Jorge Monge

💻 🐛

Ricardo Ramírez


Jaime Leonardo Suncin Cruz

💻 ⚠️ 🤔

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


MIT © jonathanpalma

Generated using TypeDoc